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Vegetable Biriyani Sawan

Images are for illustration purposes only, and may not represent actual size or quantity.

A mouthwatering vegetable biriyani sawan with vegetable cutlets, four accompaniments and dessert.

Accompaniments include malay pickle, cashew curry, brinjal moju and pineapple.

Orders for Delivery or Take-Away only.

Chicken and Mutton sawan options available

Select Size:
Product Variation NameProduct Variation NameServing SizePriceMinOrderQtyMaxOrderQty  PriceValLeadTimeHoursForMinQtyMaxLeadTimeQtyAllowHeader
Vegetable Biriyani Sawan (Large)   Large Serves 6 Rs. 7,800.00 15PHK1030V117800.00125False
Vegetable Biriyani Sawan (Small)   Small Serves 3 Rs. 4,800.00 110PHK1030V124800.001210False