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Mutton Biriyani Sawan

Images are for illustration purposes only, and may not represent actual size or quantity.

A mouthwatering mutton biriyani sawan with four accompaniments and dessert.

Accompaniments include Malay pickle, cashew curry, maldive fish sambal and pineapple.
(Please note that the accompaniments may vary depending on availability)

Orders for Delivery or Take-Away only.

Chicken and Vegetable sawan options available.

Select Size:
Product Variation NameProduct Variation NameServing SizePriceMinOrderQtyMaxOrderQty  PriceValLeadTimeHoursForMinQtyMaxLeadTimeQtyAllowHeader
Mutton Biriyani Sawan (Large)   Large Serves 6 Rs. 14,200.00 15PHK1026V1114200.00125False
Mutton Biriyani Sawan (Small)   Small Serves 3 Rs. 7,900.00 15PHK1026V127900.00125False