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Chocolate Mousse

Images are for illustration purposes only, and may not represent actual size or quantity.

The Chocolate mousse is round in shape, with two layers of 'orange syrup soaked' chocolate sponge, sandwiched together with a layer of chocolate mousse cream, and topped off with a coating of butter cream.

The cake is garnished with ganache, and decorated with a gateaux cream border and a design with melted chocolate.

Select Size:
Product Variation NameProduct Variation NameServing SizePriceMinOrderQtyMaxOrderQty  PriceValLeadTimeHoursForMinQtyMaxLeadTimeQtyAllowHeader
Chocolate Mousse (600g)   600g Serves 8 Rs. 3,800.00 120PCA1004V133800.0035True
Chocolate Mousse (1Kg)   1Kg Serves 12 Rs. 5,280.00 110PCA1004V125280.0035True
Chocolate Mousse (1.5Kg)   1.5Kg Serves 16 Rs. 9,900.00 110PCA1004V119900.0035True
Chocolate Mousse (Piece)   Piece Serves 1 Rs. 440.00 624PCA1004V14440.00212False