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Praline Cake

Images are for illustration purposes only, and may not represent actual size or quantity.

The Praline Cake is a rectangular cake, with three layers of sponge cake (inclusive of cashew nuts), sandwiched together with nougat and butter cream, garnished with ganache, red cherries and decorated with a gateaux cream border.

Product Variation NameProduct Variation NameServing SizePriceMinOrderQtyMaxOrderQty  PriceValLeadTimeHoursForMinQtyMaxLeadTimeQtyAllowHeader
Praline Cake (1Lb)   1Lb Serves 10 Rs. 2,900.00 110PCA1034V112900.0024True
Praline Cake (2Lb)   2Lb Serves 20 Rs. 5,800.00 110PCA1034V125800.0025True
Praline Cake (3Lb)   3Lb Serves 30 Rs. 8,700.00 110PCA1034V138700.0025True
Praline Cake (4Lb)   4Lb Serves 40 Rs. 11,600.00 110PCA1034V1411600.0035True
Praline Cake (Piece)   Piece Serves 1 Rs. 290.00 1200PCA1034V15290.00120False