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Marble Gateaux

Images are for illustration purposes only, and may not represent actual size or quantity.

The Marble Cake is a square shaped cake, with layers of chocolate and butter cake sandwiched together with butter cream and garnished with cream.

Select Size:
Product Variation NameProduct Variation NameServing SizePriceMinOrderQtyMaxOrderQty  PriceValLeadTimeHoursForMinQtyMaxLeadTimeQtyAllowHeader
Marble Gateaux (1Kg)   1Kg Serves 20 Rs. 4,800.00 110PCA1026V114800.00410True
Marble Gateaux (Piece)   Piece Serves 1 Rs. 240.00 1200PCA1026V12240.004100False
Marble Gateaux (500g)   500g Serves 10 Rs. 2,400.00 110PCA1026V132400.0046True